
This is meant to be something epic, right? A mind-blowing first post that hooks you, the reader, and compels you into subscribing. That's an awful lot of pressure.

I know I'm supposed to introduce myself, and the purpose of this blog so lets start with that.

Hi, my name is Helen. I'm divorced, in my early mid-40s and live alone with my cat and a lot of books and art... this is starting to sound like a dating profile.

What will this blog be about? I'm not entirely sure. I'm thinking of it like a magazine. A random collection of opinion pieces, articles, maybe a smattering of fiction, and some art.

I recently disconnected from a lot of social media. My personal Facebook and Instagram are gone, but I do have an Instagram and a Youtube channel which are attached to my art, feel free to take a look if you're interested is seeing me relearning how to be an artist.

Wow, six paragraphs in and we have shameless self-promotion already, /awkward. Or is #awkward the way 'the kids' do it these days?

I think that's enough for now. I've tried to blog before and fallen into the trap of blurting out everything about myself in the first couple of posts, then getting bored and abandoning it. I'm going to try more of a drip feeding approach this time.

'till next time.

